Montag, 10. August 2009

Back in Accra!

Yes, finally I’m back in Accra! I had a really good time the last two weeks! Its unbelievable, I’m now in Ghana since 4 weeks and I still enjoy it a lot...
I finally left Bolgatanga last Friday. Together with Mac-Patrick (the one I’ve met and who showed me all the nice places around Bolga) I went to Tamale where he works (at the moment he is on holidays). Unfortunatelly I didn’t have the chance to see much of Tamale, as I got ill (the first time by the way). I felt really not good and after I went to see a doctor he found out, that I got Salmonella... Well, after two days of rest and some drugs it was luckily over.
As Mac was so nice to me and took care of me while I was ill, I took him with me to the South (he never traveled before just for fun). With a night bus (12hours), a spoiled wheel at 2am, a noisy TV in the bus,... we finally arrived in Accra and went directly to Cape Coast. I didn’t like this city and the people there a lot (I guess to many tourists and visitors around) but the tour in the old cape coast castle was very interesting but unbelievable. The slaves arrived here (from long foot-marches from the north...) and were kept here before they finally were sent into ships to the “new word”. We walked into the slave dungeons (so small, for so many people, no light, no circulation, no toilet,...). The people did everything there (eating, sleeping, toilet,...) and you can imagine a lot didn’t survive the days there! We didn’t walk on the floor, but on a 50cm high layer of old blood, food, excretions,... I didn’t feel well there, as you can imagine!

Monday evening I finally met Anne and Malte!!! Was soo great, to see them here!
On Tuesdsay Mac and I went to the Kakoon-Nationalpark to walk on the walkways (Haengebrucken, 40m above the ground). Was a nice experience and we were more lucky than Anne and Malte (who couldn’t enjoy it that much because of all the people there)...
Wednesday and Thursday we spent together with Anne and Malte in Koforidua a very nice, friendly and relaxed city. We did a nice hiking tour to some waterfalls, a cave... On the way back was no taxi coming so some farmers took us on their vehicle . On Thursday we went to my “paradise”: A beads (pearls) market!!! Anne and I enjoyed it a looot  After 1,5hours it was enough (no money left, smile) and we went to the CRIG (cocoa research institute of Ghana) to discover how the cocoa grows, is harvested, fermented, dried,... and what nice byproducts they are just starting to make out of the leftover (from the empty shell and the water who comes out during the fermentation). Did you know, that alle the beans are fermented bevore they are dried???
On Friday we went finally back to the bussy capital! Its incredible, all the vehicles and the traffic around here! The afternoon we spent at the Art Centre, we did a little drumming session... And we were surprised how expensive the food is in some Restaurants in Accra (like 3times as in restaurants elsewhere). On Saturday we accompanied Anne and Malte to the Airport! They should be back in Stuttgart by now (and both have to start working again today).
I was really happy that they came to visit Ghana (and me) and I think, they enjoyed it a lot!!!
Now I also looked forward to be “home” again, no more backpack,... and I have my own room, I know the area,... and I can eat again at home or in the cheap chop bars (Anne and Malte preferred to eat in restaurants, but I guess, I’m already more used to the food here and the way they prepare it in chop bars... and well, I only got sick once (where I’m not exactly sure from what it came)).
I was supposed to meet Kafui (organiser from IAESTE) today at 9am. I went to his house and finally we went out at 11. I saw the office of the company (road mainenance) and I will meet my supervisor later in the afternoon and I hope that finally finally I will start working tomorrow!!! Can you believe it??? I can only believe it, when it will be tomorrow! But well, thats the Ghanian way of living!!!
Ok, you will get news from me and the work soon and also some pictures!!!
Liebe Gruesse!!!

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Viel Spaß beim Lesen!



August 2009

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