Freitag, 10. Juli 2009

Erstes Lebenszeichen

Hello from Ghana!!! Akwaaba!!! (Welcome! I heard it a lot of times)

I have savely arrived here, about 6hrs of flight from Frankfurt. I had the chance to fly with Business class as all the other seats were full. ... was a great experience :-)
Luckily I met a nice guy in the plain who gave me his address because I didn't wrote down some adresses and I needed one for the immigration. After I got my suitcase I realized that I don't even have a phone number or address, just the email where Kafui told me he will fetch me... ok so I went out and nobody was waiting (but the plain was really early so I didn't start to worry...) And luckily I wrote Kafui my number so he called me and a friend of him (Fred) fetched me from the airport, I met three other IAESTE students and then Shadrack came to pick me up. I have a nice room in his house (where he, his father and his cousin) are living. Everyone is very friendly to me...
Yesterday I went with David (Shadracks Dad) out by car, he had to do some business (irgendwas elektrisches an einem Kuehlcontainer) and so I had the chance to see lots of things. Its really different here... lots of cars, traffic, people between the cars selling everything (food, water, telephones, guertel,...). And nobody cares about dust, exhaust... A lot of poeple are carrying all the stuff on their heads, it expresses me a lot! I even saw a guy with a suing-mashing (Naehmaschine) on his head!!!
I didn't take that much pictures so far (and at the moment I'm not able to upload them) because I don't feel good taking pictures... Its an experience being more or less the only white (Obruni) here...
This morning the tab water was not running, so I took my first shower with a bucket and a little cup... No problem at all :-)
As its raining-season there is not so much sun, which is good I think because I can handle the temperature and humidity very well. I'm glad about my new trakking-shoes I bought in Stuttgart... They are very usefull here as not all raods are with asphalt...
When we went by car and there was so much traffic that we couldn't move on, we just went to the side, there was no asphalt street but sand-streets and perhaps you can image what it is like when you have sand and rain...
Today Francis (Shadracks cousin) went out with me. David doesn't want that I go out alone... but I feel comfortable here and I think I can walk around here also alone in a few days... By the way, on Monday I will go to work in a construction company...
But first this weekend I guess I will see Kafui who organised everything for me (he is in Kumasi) and perhaps I will also see Obama tomorrow!!! Everyone here is excited that he will come to Ghana, to Accra tonight...
Everything goes slowly here, no stress, nothing... I can relax and I'm happy I have internet access now (although for my email program its very slowly).
Yesterday I tried ghanian food where I forgott the name... was some dough (out of corn) (gekochter Maisteig oder so was) with a spicy soup with different kinds of meat and fish... of course we ate with our right hand.
Ok that are my first impressions... Its very different here but I am happy to be here! I hope everyone is fine! I also have a ghanian cell phone number now, and with a predial number it shouldn't be that expensive to call me. I'm not sure if skype is working here, but I will try it the next time. And perhaps I will also have internet access in my company... we will see.
Ganz liebe Gruesse an alle! And hugs to everyone!!!
Akosua (my Ghanian name as I was born on a Sunday)

P.s. my mail provider (1und1) works very slowly (while writing here I could only read one email!), so its better if you write me to or in facebook or studivz, those sites are working faster... :-)
Ali (Gast) - 12. Jul, 23:16

Hi Verena!
und? hast du den Obama gesehen? :)
bin froh, dass du gut angekommen bist und dass alles gut geklappt hat!
Genieße deine Zeit in Ghana!
Liebe Grüße

Willkommen auf meiner Homepage

Viel Spaß beim Lesen!



Juli 2009

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