Montag, 13. Juli 2009

And again ...

Ok, lets try it again...
Yesterday Kafui came by and told me he will fetch me today at nine, now its 11 and he is not here yet, so I decided to go to the internet cafe again :-) I will see, if I will start working today or perhaps tomorrow... I guess, thats also somehow the african way...
As I live with the family together I am able to try all the ghanian food which they are cooking! Its really good, very spicy and with lots of fish (well, I will restart my vegetarian carrier when I'm back :-) ). We have rice and this special dough (Maisteig) with it... Not bad!
For breakfast I have white bread with some kind of butter (margarine) and two days ago we had pasta for breakfast: Take pasta, pull cream milk over it, add some sugar and stir well! Well, it was not bad, really!!!
Living with the family also means that they are responsible for me, so they are always worried (especially David) where I am etc... Thats also why I didn't really go out a lot, but still, I have lots of things to tell :-) And when I will start working, I will also know my environment betterer and I think I can be more 'free'.
As far as I understood the jungest (Francis, 20, cousin of Shadrack) is responsible for cooking, washing, ironing etc... But I already told him that I will do my things by my own. And I helped him washing cloth (by hand of course)... The others are helping him also but only when its too much work for him. His uncle told me, thats their way of educating... Francis also goes to work (David owns cooling containers for food...) but not all the time... He also sleeps in the hall (living room), Francis told me its because there is a fan, but I think, when I wouldn't be there, he would sleep in my room... I don't feel that good in knowing this, but thats their way of welcoming and hospitality! I guess, I have to accept it and I think when I help whenever I can it will be ok.
With Shadrach I walked around a bit on Saturday, and I also had my first Ghanian beer with him... Was very good :-) And in the night I have the impression that there are even more people on the road than during day time... its a nice athmosphere: people, loud music, food everywhere.
I go to bed very early, like at 8 or 9pm as it gets dark at 6 and there is not much more to do at the moment :-) Shadrack also gets up very eraly, he leaves the house at 6am and comes home from work (at a bank) at 8pm. I will see, how much and long I will have to work.
This evening I will meet the other internationals who are here in Accra (3 more). They are staying at a different place and I've met them when I first arrived here. For next weekend they are planning a trip to Cape Coast, so I hope, I can join them...
Everyone here was very happy, that Obama came! We finally didn't go to see him, as he spoke in the parliament and lots of roads were closed anyway... but I watched his arriving and speeches on TV and the whole Saturday you could hear a song about him (which was created before he became president)...
And yesterday the church service, as I already wrote yesterday, it was very different what we are used to, the church is a building like a hall (not finished yet), some curtains in front and some plasitc flowers, a keyboard, drumset, drums and microphones. Everyone who was there really participated in the service, everyone prayed aloud (also in different microphones at the same time, which was kind of loud), shouted, put his hands in the air, danced... and the predigt (I don't know the english word for it) was also very loud and translated into Twi (the language a lot of people are speaking here). Although it was in english I could hardly understand ... But well, it was an experience, but I'm not sure I will join Shadrach and Francis every Sunday (for 3 hours!). But I could feel that all what they said and prayed came from their hearts...
I could still write more, but I guess its already a lot to read :-)
So take care and I guess I will write again soon!
Liebe Gruesse!
katrin (Gast) - 14. Jul, 18:24

Hi Verena, das hört sich alles sehr spannend an! Ich freu mich immer wieder Neues von dir zu lesen! ;-) Machs gut und schreib viel!
Viel Spass!
Grüßle Katrin

Willkommen auf meiner Homepage

Viel Spaß beim Lesen!



Juli 2009

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